Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Well If The Taliban Says So

The Taliban made an announcement that US Troops had killed civilians and President Obama and Sec of State Hillary Clinton apologized to the Afghanistan President for the tragedy. An investigation, standard procedure in the loss of civilian life, shows that it was the Taliban themselves who killed civilians just so they could accuse the US. Most intelligent Americans would have told the President and Sec of State that this was a a likely possibility, but instead they took the word of the Taliban. What's up with that?

So what they're really saying is that they trust the word and the behavior of the Taliban, an organization known for it's lies and propaganda, over the honor and integrity of our military. But is this really surprising? Going back to the punish the innocent and protect the guilty mentality that I've mentioned before, this is just another example. The President doesn't want to offend the terrorists so he throws the troops under the bus. It is well known that the Taliban uses just these kinds of situations to recruit people and prove that America is really the evil one, but still we took their word. How hard would it have been for the President to say, "An investigation is underway and I am secure that the findings will show that the loss of civilian life was not due to the US air strikes. However, the loss of civilian life, no matter by who, is always a tragedy and you have our deepest sympathies." Not hard at all. But the President simply blamed the US and apologized. Yet another stop on the apology tour.

After giving terrorists that ammunition by all but admitting our culpability, he's going to release photos of interrogation methods. Way to go Prez. Why do I feel like my president has pushed me aside to embrace terrorists instead? Because I he has. Political correctness can be taken too far, and changing the war on terror to an overseas contingency operation, and taking the word of the Taliban over that of our troops, is going way too far.

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