Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama Says - It's All Bush's Fault

During the Obama press conference, which I'm still watching while I type, Obama states that he has no plan to close Guantanamo, but it's all Bush's fault. He says he doesn't want to constantly relive the last 8 years, but it's all Bush's fault.

The denial of the funds for closing Guantanamo was not because people don't want to see it closed, but because they're silly enough to actually want a plan of how that's going to happen. So what does Obama do, he holds a press conference. How many has he held now? Isn't he averaging one press conference every 1.36 days in office?

The president holds up the constitution as the shining light for doing what he's doing, but on the other hand he's singlemindedly deconstructing the principles on which it was written. He's pushing an agenda that quadruples our deficit and expands the role of government in our day to day lives, and does it all with the justification that it's all Bush's fault. When will he start taking responsibility for his own situation? Ever? I doubt it. He'll continue to say that it's all Bush's fault. If it rains on your wedding day, it's all Bush's fault. If we are attacked again, it will be all Bush's fault. If you lose your job, it's all Bush's fault. Oil prices are rising again, and I'm guessing that's all Bush's fault.

And he says we must uphold the rule of law. Except of course for those pesky bakruptcy laws that interfere with his plans. He says we can't say the ends justify the means in national security, yet he himself was accused by strong armed debt holders for Chrysler as being the most frighteningly ends justify the means person they had ever encountered. The inconsistency between what he says, and what he does is glaring and frightening to anybody who pays attention. Unfortunately most of the press does not pay attention.

Even if it is Bush's fault, it is in very bad taste to constantly say so. That would be like Bush constantly saying that 9/11 and what followed was all Clinton's fault. There was logic and justification for saying that. The argument could have been made. The argument was made by many political pundits, but not by George W Bush.

For somebody who constantly says that he doesn't want to look back, he spends an awful lot of time looking back and blaming somebody else. It may be Bush's fault that we have Gitmo, but it is not Bush's fault that Obama doesn't have a plan for what to do with it now. So when his funding is denied what does he do? He goes on the campaign trail again.

Watching this and the blame game that goes on, I'm reminded of a quote by George Orwell. "He who controls the present controls the past. And he who controls the past controls the future." Obama is saying he doesn't want to look back, doesn't want to be stuck in the past, but he's using the present to control the past in order to control our futures.

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