Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Soda Hits the Fizz

Congress is studying a proposal to tax soda pop. What in the world is happening to us? They believe these sugary drinks are bad for us and should be discouraged. Sounds like behavior modification to me. Does anybody remember "Demolition Man"? There's a line from that movie that comes to mind. "Salt has been deemed bad for you, hence it is illegal." Sounded silly at the time didn't it?

What Congress is really saying is that if they're going to have to pay your medical bills then they're going to make it difficult for you to have anything unhealthy. When did taxation become a punishment or behavior modification tool? Aren't our taxes supposed to be used to support our defense and infrastructure? How did this progress to using taxes to control us? Well, they've been doing it for years.

It started with taxes on alcohol and tobacco but people thought this was OK. After all, people really shouldn't drink and smoke. Punishing those people with higher taxes is fine. But now it's creeping farther out. Taxes on soda will be just a start. And are they looking at what will happen to our soda companies? Will we then need bailouts for Coke and Pepsi because they're too big to fail?

This is one of the most glaring violations of our rights as individuals. When we decide that the government should pay for our health care (which means you're actually paying for it) then they think they have the right to control your behavior in the name of "controlling costs". This is a frightening development. What rights do we really have when the government is trying to control what we drink with our pizza? Oh, and pizza is probably the next thing on the list to tax.

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