Saturday, May 16, 2009

Be Judgemental

Mitch Daniels, Indiana Governor, gave a commencement speech at Butler University in which he advised the students to be judgemental. While taking responsibility for the mistakes of his generation, he encouraged the next generation to undo the damage his own has done. Personal responsibility and accountability, and holding yourself and others to a standard of conduct. Wow! What a concept.

In calling for them to be judgemental he was not calling for them to be intolerant. Instead, he was calling for them to let others know that there are standards of behavior, and some behaviors are unacceptable. We have to stand up and speak out against racist or bigoted comments. We have to stand up against hateful tirades. We have to hold ourselves to a high standard and let those with low standards of behavior know that we disapprove. A civilized society has standards for acceptable conduct. Some of these standards are set with laws, but others by the disapproval of the masses.

Over the last 2 decades people have become more self-centered, ruder, and more hateful in their speech. I'm often frustrated in public but the rudeness of the masses and their total lack of consideration for others. Common courtesy is becoming increasingly UNcommon and we must be judgemental about that.

Part of the problem we've run into is that any criticism of some behaviors is seen as racist or bigoted speech itself. We allow ourselves to be silenced with their unfounded accusations. This must stop. If a behavior, such as excessive profanity in public, and especially in front of small children, is committed by a black man and we condemn it, we may be called a racist. If this happens, we have to push back and condemn that behavior as well. Assuming racism because of the color of the skin of the person whose BEHAVIOR is being criticized is not acceptable either.

Some of what we can do is to set an example ourselves as well as calling out others. Hold a door open for someone else. Be courteous in traffic. Say please, thank you and excuse me. And, for the love of God, control your children. Be aware of how your behavior impacts others, and the example it sets. Sit in judgement of yourself first, and then hold others accountable for their behaviors as well.

For coverage of Governor Daniels' speech see Peter Robinson's article in Forbes.

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