Monday, July 6, 2009

Selling Tickets to a Funeral?

The fact that tickets are being sold or raffled in order to admit entrance to a memorial or a funeral I find morally repugnant. Enough with Michael Jackson already. Why on earth does the funeral have to be a media circus?

Did they raffle off "tickets" for Princess Diana? Did they raffle off tickets for Ronald Reagan? Have they ever before raffled off tickets for a funeral? Like the man wasn't enough of a freak in life, they have to make him a public spectacle in death as well?

I understand that millions mourn his passing, but why do they have to turn his memorial into a concert? And then of course the cost to the city for the added police force that will be required to deal with the crowds. Nice of the Jackson family to consider the strain on a city in a bankrupt state when they made their plans.

Personally, I am sick to death of the Michael Jackson hoopla. Just put the man in the ground and lay it to rest already.

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