Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another Stimulus?

So the white house admits that they had their collective heads up their asses when it came to the economy. Didn't know it was that bad, and didn't write the stimulus package right. So now they're saying, since we screwed this first stimulus package up so royally, we'd like a do over.

So they want us to let them try again and see if they do better this time. Problem is that the first stimulus has only had 10% of it's stimulus money spent. So if they pass another one, will THAT one get money into the economy now? Doubt it. After making an $800 billion dollar mistake we should just give them another try?

Maybe, just maybe, they should have taken the time to actually READ the first one. That might have helped. But they had to do it right now and get that money into the system. Uh huh. So here we are 4 months later, and 10% of that money that had to be spent so quickly that we couldn't read how, has actually been spent.

Of course they also claim the stimulus is working, even though unemployment is at 9.5% now and their green shoots have withered and died. But still they claim it would be worse without that stimulus. Of course there is no proof, no evidence, and no way to prove this.

Another stimulus package is the height of stupidity. But then again, isn't stupidity what Washington does best?


  1. I enjoy reading your blog but just a suggestion.
    I feel it is very important to be allowed to share ones opinion on any number of topics, however by jumping from topic to topic makes you sound angry and bitchy and confrontational consistently(i will specify if you like), why not focus on one or two topics and do something to make a difference or create change in a positive way

  2. Thanks for the feedback. The idea of a second stimulus made me angry, which is why I sound angry. Most of what's happening makes me angry. The main focus of my blog is the ever increasing power grab by our federal government and most of my blogs do tie in to that topic. However, I am afraid that if I stick to just one or two policies within that topic that I'll end up sounding like I'm beating a dead horse. I am angry and frustrated with the direction things are going, but I will do my best not to make it so apparent. Thank you.
