The similarities between the 2 products is amazing. Each promise you success with little to no effort on your part. Just take advantage of their offer, then sit back and wait for the results. And keep waiting. The poor have been waiting for the results of the product they repeatedly purchase for over 50 years, and still nothing. And yet the American people keep buying that product.
Millions of dollars are spent each year on the dream of achieving weight loss without effort. It is a major industry within the US, and it is a scam. Yet many hopeful people keep trying the new pills, praying that the rip off they experienced last time won't happen again. Just the idea that I could lose weight without exercise or dieting as made me fall for a scam or 2. But the bottom line is that they don't work. We have these pills and these promises even though the formula for losing weight is really quite simple. Eat less and move more. There are some who are disabled for whom the "moving more" is problematic, but even then it could be done. If they choose to do it. My big problem is that knowing what I need to do and actually WANTING to do it are two entirely different things. But I really have only 2 choices. I can stay fat, or I can exercise. Period. My choice changes periodically, but I know those are the only 2 choices I really have.
The same can be said for those in poverty. It's not that they CAN'T succeed, but that they're waiting for that miracle pill. Buying in to the recurring and empty promises of the government that the poor can be made wealthy with no effort on their part. Just take advantage of our offer and we'll make sure you're set for life. The difference here is that the American people keep buying the same product that has been proven to not work instead of, as with the diet pills, trying new products promising the same thing. The message of the liberal economic policy has not changed. It still promises results without effort. A promise that cannot possibly be kept. There are only 2 choices when it comes to your personal economics. You either stay poor, or you work hard and advance. That's it. There are no results without effort. There are those who can make millions with a small effort, but an effort is still being made. If you sit back and wait for the results of that particular product, the only thing that will happen is that the poor will stay poor.
Advertising for the 2 products is becoming laughably similar as well. Infomercials have been a tried and true method of selling bogus diet pills for years. A method that the current administration has decided to emulate. During the campaign, Obama held an infomercial to sell his product, and it worked. He has continued that into his administration. Although now he is using news organizations as free advertising instead of paying for his product advertisement like everybody else. And the people fall for the scam.
So what is different about the two products? With all of the similarities they have, there is only one glaring difference. If you fall for the miracle diet pill and purchase that product you are wasting only your own money. If you fall for the miracle wealth pill you are wasting other people's money, and more importantly, your entire life.
There is no miracle cure for poverty just as there is no miracle cure for obesity. Both require effort on the part of the individual to be overcome. Both require hard work and anybody promising you anything else is attempting to scam you for their own financial benefit. Have no illusions about that. The makers of the diet pill just want your money, but the makers of the liberal financial policy want your vote so they can take everybody's money and ensure their own power.
Don't fall for the liberal economic scam.
Tommi, what a wonderful comparison. I love this piece - very well put together with such a new and interesing perspective. I couldn't agree more. Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks Rebel. It hit me at 2 am this morning when I couldn't sleep. Must have been the infomercial that was on when I flipped on the TV.