Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Remaking America - Into What It Was Never Supposed To Be

I just finished watching a speech from President Obama which has pretty much scared the crap out of me. We know from the campaign that he wants to redistribute the wealth of our nation, and in his speech he re-iterated that.

He said that he's working to eliminate inequality and restore fairness to our economy. So what he's really saying is that capitalism is bad and socialism is good. As long as we have capitalism there will be inequality, most of it deserved. People are not all the same and they have different talents, different dreams, different work ethics and different priorities. A person who works 60 hrs a week SHOULD make more than somebody who works 30 hrs a week. But according to Obama, paying people who are great at their job more than somebody who is mediocre is unfair and unequal. By saying he is going to restore fairness to our economy what he's really saying is that he's going to take money from one person and give it to another. Redistribution of wealth (AKA socialism).

What scared me the most though was when he said he was beginning to "remake America". Cold chills went down my spine when he said that. What he was really saying was that he intends to throw out all of the principles the country was built on and turn us into Europe. America does not have to be remade, but it does need to be restored. We have moved too far from our basic principles and Obama's plan is to toss them aside all together and start over. Absolutely frightening.

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