Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Not Willing To Fight

I am here for you to cut through the political language and get to the heart of the message. Wade through the 5 min answer to a simple question to get to the simple answer. Today's translation has to do with the release of the water boarding information. We have several translations for that.

I'm just a simple Hillbilly so I have to break down the bull to figure out what's really being said. I've never understood why the truth has to be cloaked in crap and 100 words have to be used to give an answer when 5 words tell the whole story. I'll give you my perspective on what's being said and you can agree or disagree as you see fit. I won't tell you what to think, but I will tell you what I hear.

The Obama administration has stated that they released the information on the advanced interrogation techniques because the ACLU filed a suit and they were probably going to win anyway so we may as well release it now. Translation of this - "Our national security is not worth a fight with the ACLU and whenever they file a suit we'll cave." Isn't that reassuring.

Then we have Nancy Pelosi talking about what she new about those same techniques. She says that she was told that they were determined to be legal and that they might be used but not that they would be used. There are several different translations of this. The most likely is Translation 1 - "I knew what was going on and I thought it was a good idea at the time. I've since changed my mind and am attempting to cover my ass. I also think the American people are too stupid to figure out what I'm doing." However, we also have Translation 2 - "I'm a total dumb ass with no deductive reasoning skills. With my limited brain function I knew I couldn't' get a job in the private sector so I've stayed in Congress where full brain function is not required."

If only our politicians spoke in the straightforward terms of the so called hillbillies and rednecks. If they would only say what the really mean. But then, you wouldn't need me to translate.

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